With Grant Property, finding a high quality home is fast and convenient.

Using our step-by-step process and online payment facility, we save you time and stress!

On this page you can secure the right home quickly and prepare properly for moving in. We also provide dedicated professional property managers to offer expert advice and 24 hour phone assistance throughout your tenancy.

To get a head start, why not contact us directly and start the process with one of our experts.

All our properties are period homes, situated in desirable locations, furnished and maintained to our market-leading standards. Our growing list of available properties is updated daily and our property team work locally across the country to find and secure properties for rental.

We are members of ARLA Property Mark, and The Property Ombudsman Scheme. Our tenants' deposits are registered and secured with either Safe Deposits Scotland, or Tenancy Deposit Scheme in England.

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Client Testimonials

I rented with Grant property for more than 1.5 years. They handled all my complaints promptly. My deposit is being paid on time. My property manager was very helpful and handled all my requests very professionally.
Pooja Kaur
I have had an excellent experience with Grant Property!! If you find a property and it is managed by Grant Property you are going to have a lovely stay in your home!!!

Emergency contacts

If you smell gas or think you have a gas leak call the National Grid immediately on 0800 111 999.

In the case of an Emergency call 0131 220 6360 our out of hours service will connect you to the 24 hour hotline.

Contact our offices on 0131 220 6360 or log your repair using our contact form.

Once you have consulted your manual if you still require assistance call 0131 220 6360 or your Property Manager directly.

Here is your a-z property guide for general helpful information

Please read our A-Z guide to give you the full picture on life as a tenant. Download here.

Call us today

to find a property or to arrange a viewing
0333 123 0440 or 0845 230 2288

Email Us

to find a property or to arrange a viewing

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Let us do the searching. We know our property list inside out and update it every day. Our team of experts can guide you quickly through the process of finding a new home. Get in touch today to speak to one of our team.